Indonesian Martabe Gold Mine Boosts Economic Efficiency with TGOOD

Martabe Gold Mine, the world-class gold mine in Indonesia, has reported stunning achievements in cost savings afforded by TGOOD technology after just 6 months of operation. TGOOD provided a solution to their long-standing power supply problem: Due to excessive harmonic distortion and unbalanced voltage coming from the local network, the mine could not connect to the power grid and had to use diesel generators. Existing proposals relied on complex inverter schemes, with respective high costs and long delivery times.

Together with our long-term technology and engineering partner StruthersTech, located in Western Canada, an ingenious solution was created that uses cost-effective passive components. This allowed our team to realize the project at a fraction of cost and delivery time of just four months. The TGOOD power quality compensator has achieved an impressive 90% reduction in 5th harmonic voltage distortion, and a 70% reduction in negative sequence imbalance. This improvement in power quality allows the site to remain connected to the national grid and switch off the diesel generators altogether.

The customer has been delighted by the smooth and highly responsive cooperation during project execution, and, last but not least, certainly by saving around 3 million liters of diesel fuel, representing net operating cost savings of about 1 million USD per month. 

In turn, we are of course very happy about such feedback and recognition – let us know how we can use our world-leading delivery time and cost-effectiveness to create value for YOUR operation! 

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